One of my main experimental tasks is coordinated rhythmic movement. This is a simple lab task in which I ask people to produce rhythmic movements (typically with a joystick) and coordinate those at some mean relative phase. Not all coordinations are equally easy; without training, people can typically only reliably produce 0° (in-phase) and 180° (anti-phase) movements. People can learn other coordinations, however; I typically train the maximally difficult 90° (although my PhD student has just completed a study training people at 60°; more on that awesome data shortly). I use coordination to study the perceptual control of action and learning.
My work is all designed to test and extend Bingham's mechanistic model of coordination dynamics. This model explicitly identifies all the actual components of the perception-action system producing the behaviour, and models them. In particular, it models the perceptual information we use to perceive relative phase; the relative direction of motion. This is an important contributor to coordination stability and this model is a real step up in terms of how we do business in psychology.
There is another factor that affects coordination stability, however, and the model currently only addresses this implicitly. That factor is muscle homology, and it's been repeatedly shown to be an important factor. For a long time, I have avoided worrying about it, because I have had no mechanistic way to talk about it. I think I have the beginnings of a way now, though, and this post is the first of several as I develop my first draft of that analysis.
What is cognition?
2 weeks ago